Dear Parents of Nursery Children,
Young children are very susceptible to colds, flu's and other diseases. We realize a child's illness can be a difficult time for a parent, and that it's often frustrating to rearrange your schedules to provide care for a sick child at home. Not to mention the added cost involved.
We want to help eliminate these concerns as much as possible. This requires that our nursery has the healthiest environment possible. The best way to prevent illness is to prevent exposure. The purpose of this letter is to help our nursery caregivers and parents work together to provide a healthy environment.
Please keep your child at home if any of the following is true: your child has a fever or has had a fever in the past 24 hours; your child has vomited, had diarrhea, sore throat, cough, severe runny nose, enlarged glands, rashes or earaches. Though doctors have relaxed their attitude about runny noses, colored mucus is not an allergy.
A quick health check will be conducted when you bring your child to the nursery. A child will not be admitted with any of these symptoms: matter in the eyes, frequent coughing, runny nose.
Please note that the above policy applies to any contagious disease or disorder that can jeopardize the health and safety of your child; for example lice, ringworm and the like!
If a child becomes ill during the morning, he/she will be removed from the nursery and the parent notified.
No medication will be given to any child in the nursery department.
Parents should report any allergies to the nursery worker on duty.
Thanks for letting us care for and love your child.